What is Myth & What Is True About Psoriasis?

When it comes to uncomfortable and unsightly skin conditions, it can be hard to have a social life or even feel safe discussing it with others. For psoriasis, it can be difficult to hide this skin disease and that makes for a rough lifestyle to try and overcome it – or try to hide it. If you know the facts, whether you have psoriasis or someone you know has it – being compassionate and confident to discuss it will make it that much easier to rise above the stereotype that all skin conditions are contagious.
Facts & Myths of Psoriasis
Knowledge is power and that includes brushing up on common skin issues that people may shy away or squirm from. We are not the decision makers on skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, nor would we have chosen it if we had that power. Psoriasis is a genetic skin disease that forms itchy, scaly white patches on the skin, typically developing on the extremities.
For anyone living with or knows of anyone suffering from psoriasis, debunking the rumors, myths, and falsities of it could be a huge help in making their lifestyle just a little more easy. Here are the facts against the myths of psoriasis:
- It’s contagious. Absolutely false, as it is an autoimmune disorder in which the body produces too many skin cells and therefore doesn’t allow the cells enough time to shed. This produces the scale-like patches by a build-up of skin cells.
- There’s a cure for psoriasis. Unfortunately, there is no known cure and the only ways of staying on top of it is to avoid triggers that cause flare-ups.
- It’s not treatable. This is false as a dermatologist or self-research and trial and error can help find products or solutions to soothe the itching, inflammation, and flare-ups. This can be in the form of creams, LED light therapy, oral medications, or prescription drugs.
- Psoriasis has one type. Incorrect – there are 5 types of psoriasis and each develop and appear differently and on various parts of the body. These five types are pustular, erythrodermic, inverse, guttate, and plaque.
- Psoriasis develops on its own. This is sometimes inaccurate as it has been linked to people with type 2 diabetes, vision problems, and heart disease. It has also been shown that psoriatic arthritis can develop from psoriasis.
- You can prevent psoriasis. It sadly is not the case; managing your triggers with diet changes, avoiding stress and alcohol, and topical treatments are the only factors that can help reduce the severity of it – but not prevent or cure it.
- It’s an adult only disease. This is untrue as the National Psoriasis Foundation has diagnoses on average 20,000 children under the age of 10 with it. Genetics again come into play with children and psoriasis since if one parent has it, there’s a 10% risk and a 50% risk if both parents have the skin disease.
Understanding psoriasis is an essential part of learning what makes it worse and what to avoid to keep the flare-ups at bay. Most importantly, your skin care will certainly play a factor if you’re not aware of the beneficial ingredients you should be using and what ones to avoid!
Wild Naturals Eczema & Psoriasis Cream
For psoriasis, being that it forms on top of the skin, it’s best to use resourceful skin care products to reduce the patches. For the dry, patchy skin, you need ingredients that moisturize but also heal and nourish. Wild Naturals uses manuka honey for psoriasis because of its plentiful benefits that cover every aspect you want to treat for it!
Manuka honey can hydrate, repair, trigger collagen production, and soothe! It’s a natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory wonder! To learn more about manuka honey for psoriasis, visit the Wild Naturals online store and discover the magic for treating your skin condition the natural way!