Stop Damaging Your Hair with Popular Shampoo Brands Because…

Let’s face it, we’re all guilty of buying L’Oreal, Organix, Redken, Garnier, Herbal Essences, Pantene…all the Target or Walgreen shampoo brands. Yet we really need to come to terms that these shampoos, while they smell amazing and make our hair feel and look great, are actually not ideal to use…like, at all. And you may have heard some buzz about sulfate-free shampoo and we’re here to tell you to listen up! While there are arguments as to why sulfates (SLS) are fine to keep using, here’s why you should switch to sulfate-free shampoo in the long run…
The Good & Bad of Sulfates in Shampoo
For those that have gone sulfate-free with their hair products, you’ll usually hear how once they switched, they would never go back. The decision comes from several areas, one of them mostly being out of media-pressure. The "Sulfate-Free" label has become increasingly frequent on the bottle of every new shampoo and conditioners that consumers hit the internet for answers.
The term has become associated with being "healthier" and "organic" even when that is not the case. There are other contributors to a natural shampoo that won’t cause damage down the road aside from sulfates. Although sulfates in shampoo have been linked to cancer certainly contributes to most people’s switch to sulfate-free but also the promise of softer, cleaner hair by means of more natural materials has also been highly persuasive.
But really, when consumers think about what brand to buy, what scent, and what benefit they should use for their shampoo and conditioner when pondering sulfate-free, there’s really just one question: What are sulfates, anyway? And are they really as bad as they sound?
To answer the first question: sulfates, essentially, are what make shampoos turn into a thick lather in the shower. This ingredient, which is standard for most shampoo (and household cleaning) products, has additionally come under attack for causing frizziness (especially in curly hair) and damaging colored hair.
After dying your hair or receiving a chemical treatment (such as a Keratin or Brazilian blowout), salons will often recommend a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to maintain the style. Sulfates are just another low-end chemical in the grand scheme of things and don’t have to be there for any other purpose than to promise those awesome suds in the commercials. Big news: there are natural ingredients that can accomplish the same result without damaging your hair!
For the recent bounty of sulfate-free options, the modern world has become very conscious of chemicals in personal hygiene products, foods and the environment that people are rightly concerned about the effects of all of these chemicals being absorbed into or exposed to their skin. Anything with fewer chemicals has become more popular.
The skepticism behind sulfate-free ultimately lies in the results for curly or color-treated hair and if it does the same nourishment as a shampoo with sulfates. Truthfully, sulfates are an irritant and people with allergies or skin conditions like eczema or scalp psoriasis should switch to a sulfate-free formula for that reason alone.
So what can you expect from switching to a sulfate-free shampoo? A higher price tag, to start, as most drug store brands don't yet produce products without sulfates. The reason brand beauty products are not as expensive is because of the low-quality filler ingredients and chemicals they use to fill up their big bottles. But you have to ask yourself if a more rich lather shampoo is worth it compared to the relief of knowing that your hair products won’t keep causing harm to your health in the shower.
Instead of biting your nails over it, the best option is to try it for yourself. For the best sulfate-free (as well as free of a bunch of other harmful ingredients) shampoo, look no further than Wild Naturals! Our shampoo and conditioner products give you soft, silky, and glossy hair without any of the bad stuff tacked on. Visit the online store today and discover for yourself the benefits of switching to a sulfate-free shampoo!