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Jump into Fall with these 6 Manuka Honey Benefits

By :Wild Naturals 0 comments
Jump into Fall with these 6 Manuka Honey Benefits

manuka honey benefits

There are a lot of people associate fall with flannel, apple picking, and pumpkin spice everything, but it should also be associated it with manuka honey. Why? Because this is the time of year where wellness-minded friends won’t stop talking about it and its immune-boosting powers (flu and cold season is right around the corner, on top of the predicted rise in COVID-19 cases again).

So, manuka honey should be on the forefront of everyone’s minds right now for boosting your immune system, but also how it can keep our skin protected from stress, skin conditions, and the incoming winter dryness.

Info on Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is not like standard honey. This specific variety of honey is produced by bees in New Zealand who pollinate local manuka bush plants. These flowers bloom for only six to 12 weeks out of the entire year, so sourcing the honey is truly a frenzy and is why the value of manuka honey continues to rise every year. According to the Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association, which tests and verifies manuka honey brands as authentic, the nectar and bees give manuka honey its unique health properties (and there are plenty of benefits).

Now, for those that aren’t familiar with manuka honey, it’s also about double the price as what you’ll find in a bear-shaped bottle. For that reason, you might want to know if the manuka honey benefits are truly worth the splurge. We don’t blame you there (but we already know the answer) and to learn more about what sets it apart from the traditional honey is a good question to ask. Let’s dive into and explain more about what manuka honey is and how to use it from both ingesting it and applying it to our skin!

What are the Health Benefits of Manuka Honey?

  1. It’s Antibacterial

Something that really sets manuka honey apart from standard honey is that it’s high in antibacterial properties. Specifically, manuka honey is rich in compounds like methylglyoxal (which is associated with antibacterial benefits). Because of this, it can potentially help protect someone from getting sick, fighting off any nasty bugs that make their way into your body. Manuka honey has proved the front-runner of honeys for non-peroxide antimicrobial activity.

  1. Manuka Honey has Antioxidants

Manuka honey also has more antioxidants than traditional honey. Specifically, it’s full of flavonoids, a type of antioxidant connected to helping the body function more efficiently while protecting it against everyday stressors and toxins. This means that if consumed on a regular basis, manuka honey may help protect against diseases and cognitive decline.

  1. Manuka Honey Can Be Used to Help Wounds Heal

Yes, you read that correctly! Remember how we pointed out manuka honey’s antibacterial properties? That comes in handy when it’s used topically, too. A 2018 review of studies found that manuka honey can kill bacteria, reduce inflammation, and help with tissue regeneration—which explains why it can be found in so many skin care products.

  1. It Has Trace Minerals like Vitamin B, Iron, and Magnesium

Although it’s not exactly a powerhouse source to replace your daily multi-vitamin, manuka honey does have trace amounts of nutrients including vitamin B, iron, magnesium, copper, and zinc. Just like the other benefits listed, standard honey has these properties as well, but manuka honey contains higher amounts of said minerals. Especially if you follow a plant-based diet, vitamin B, iron, and zinc are nutrients you want to be extra conscious to get enough of, so manuka honey can help in this way. (So long as you’re not vegan, of course.) While it’s not going to be “the” source to get your fill of these nutrients, every little bit helps!

  1. Manuka Honey Could Be Good For Your Gut

There’s some studies showing that manuka honey could potentially be good for your gut because it helps kill harmful bacteria and pathogens. Though that this is another area of research where more studies need to be done to establish more solid data. If you are experiencing prolonged digestive distress, you’ll want to go to the doctor and not just down spoonful’s of manuka honey, but it’s a pretty promising potential benefit and a daily addition to your wellness routine.

  1. It’s Good For Your Skin

Manuka honey is a go-to skin soother, both calming and moisturizing. And anti-aging, great at helping reduce acne, heals acne scarring, produces amino acids to stimulate collagen production, and can even alleviate the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. This one kind of honey can do all of that! This is because it’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties benefit the outside of your body just as much as the inside. It bears repeating: All honey has these properties, but they are more pronounced in manuka honey and therefore bear stronger results.

Using Manuka Honey Correctly

While manuka honey is clearly beneficial, it does contain sugar (like all honey), so it’s still a good idea to be mindful of your intake. One teaspoon of manuka honey has four grams of sugar. If you’re diabetic, you especially want to be conscious of your manuka honey intake because it could affect your blood sugar levels.

Also, since manuka honey tends to be more expensive, you want to make sure what you’re buying is the real thing; honey fraud is real. Certified manuka honey is verified by independent auditors. You can know if a manuka honey has been tested and verified because it will say it is certified on the label. The primary manuka honey certifier is Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association and any products that have met their standards will say “UMF certified” on the label.

Okay, you know the benefits and how to buy manuka honey that’s legit. The last thing you need to know is what to do with it!

How to Use Manuka Honey

  1. Put it in Your Coffee or Tea

This is one of the most common ways to use manuka honey, especially if you’re feeling sick and want to benefit from its antibacterial properties. Just a teaspoon is enough and it may help to soothe a sore throat or help calm an upset stomach!

  1. Cook with it or Eat it Raw

You can also incorporate manuka honey right into your meals as it’s safe to eat both uncooked and cooked. Some ideas for how to use it straight out of the jar include spreading it on toast with cinnamon and butter, putting it into your oatmeal, or on waffles. Because it’s sweet, manuka honey also works as a sugar substitute in some baked goods, although because it is a bit expensive, you may want to save it for special occasions and use standard honey more regularly.

  1. Apply it Topically

Since manuka honey can assist in wound healing, you can also apply right onto any small cuts. To do this, first clean your wound with water. Then, spread a fourth of a teaspoon of manuka honey right onto the bandage before applying it. You can even try it in a DIY face mask!

  1. Work it into Your Beauty Routine

If you want to experience manuka honey’s beauty benefits, take a cue from Wild Naturals and invest in new skin care products that use manuka honey in them!

There’s good reason why the manuka honey benefits are so hyped up. But whether or not you choose to pay extra for it, you now know why it’s so special and a hot commodity. At Wild Naturals, we don’t squeeze every last cent out of you for high-quality skin care. Our ingredients are natural and are filled with potent benefits so that you can have your #goals skin without the hefty price tag. Shop our online store today to try our Manuka Honey skin care products and you won’t be disappointed! Eating it or using it on your skin - Either way, you’re body will benefit!