How Manuka Honey Can Heal Wounds – Yep, You Read That Right!

While common knowledge agrees that honey can be great on our food to add some natural sweetness, most people do not know honey’s capabilities of wound care. Yes, we said wound care! In the earlier days when antibiotic ointment was not easily accessible in a tube carried in your purse, or even when doctors were not in reach, honey was a natural go-to for infected wounds to properly heal.
From bacteria infected wounds to burns and ulcers, honey can provide numerous healing benefits even in comparison to antibiotics and antiseptics. Honey can actually promote healing that is rapid and eliminates minimal scarring. How is that possible? For starters, we’re talking about manuka honey, not just any type of honey in a bear shape bottle here.
Keep reading to learn more about how manuka honey can renew your skin of blemishes, scars, burns, and more!
Manuka Honey & Its Effect On Wounds
All honey has a particular taste of sweetness, that’s a given. Not every type of honey, however, is from the same bees, plants, or areas of the world where they keep bee farms. Manuka honey is the type of honey that should be aimed to use for healing benefits, as it contains more therapeutic qualities than typical honey. And when we say therapeutic qualities, we mean that this honey has more health benefits, for both inside and outside the body, than any of its counterparts!
The Manuka bush, found primarily in New Zealand, is the source for Manuka honey. The pollen collected from there has been known to treat skin issues ranging from infections to rashes, scalded skin and even boils. Manuka honey has become a regular topical treatment in burn units, to stave off infections, promote skin regeneration, and to keep the burns moist to avoid cracking, bleeding, and further irritation. What other honey can do that?
The active antibacterial agent in the Manuka bush is methylglyoxal or MGO. The levels of this substance make Manuka honey unique to other kinds of honey, which also increases its value and is behind the hefty price tag per jar. The U.S Federal Drug Administration had even approved Manuka honey as a recommended source of wound treatment in 2007!
Hydrogen peroxide is one of those medicinal emergency items in the bottom of your medicine cabinet. Honey of all forms actually has naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide, but Manuka honey has the highest levels of it than any other kind of honey. Manuka honey’s healing properties include hydrogen peroxide as a method of eliminating bacterial activity in wounds. The release of this is slow, which provides antibacterial activity but doesn’t damage tissue. It’s an effective and safe form of wound solution – which is pretty impressive when you can consume it!
With high antibacterial activity, Manuka honey for healing infections not only can clear them from your skin but will stop the spreading of bacteria that would typically grow without some sort of treatment. Scarring from wounds is also dramatically reduced from Manuka honey treatment. Known as a powerhouse healer, the immune stimulating properties of Manuka honey can give many benefits to skin problem areas, thanks to its amino acids, antioxidants, and collagen properties!
This is honey we’re talking about!
The Healing Benefits of Manuka Honey For Your Skin
Even for sweeteners, some people refrain from using honey just from the mess it can create when applying to toast, or adding to a tea. Using it on your skin, however, can create a whole new realm of messy applications, so it’s best to know some alternatives to how to use it.
For the best manuka honey skin care, Wild Naturals has you covered!
Our manuka honey cream has moisturizing, light, and absorbent qualities to suit your skin perfectly. Instead of water, organic aloe vera is the first ingredient, making the base even more potent of vitamins, minerals, and even accelerated skin cell growth. Manuka honey treatment used in this form will give wounds an antibacterial cleanse and healing.
Manuka honey for healing wounds is ideal in the form of a Manuka honey cream since it’s not messy and easy to apply. This intense moisturizer is pH balanced like your skin, non-greasy and made without fragrance, parabens, dyes or harmful substances. This all-purpose cream enhances Manuka honey healing properties for wounds, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, acne, rosacea, and is even anti-aging (we mentioned this above from its antioxidants, collagen, and amino acid content).
By combining natural, mineral, and vitamin-based ingredients along with Manuka honey, your skin needs will be optimized in the best way for clear, radiant skin form head to toe! Shea butter, carrot seed oil, coconut oil, hemp seed oil, and cehami flower extract are joined in this potent skin cream for the ultimate blend of powerful natural ingredients that work for your skin, not against it. By using Wild Naturals Manuka Honey healing moisturizer cream as a go-to wound healer, your skin and the environment will be thanking you!