Breaking Out During Shelter in Place? Layer Some Manuka Honey on It

I’m sure we can all agree that the lockdowns and shelter in place protocols are vastly disrupting our daily schedules, workouts, and diets. But are you still taking care of your face? We all may be splurging and seeking comfort food while stuck at home to slow the spread of COVID-19, although not taking care of your skin shouldn’t be part of that list we will chalk up thanks to the coronavirus. While some foods cause us to break out, regularly washing your face in the morning and in the evenings will definitely help keep our better practices during this pandemic.
If you’re already breaking out, whether by eating junk food or suffering from stress, don’t worry. Just order manuka honey!
How Manuka Honey Can Treat Breakouts
For those unaware of what manuka honey is and why it shouldn’t be considered your average honey – it’s a variety of honey native to New Zealand with above-average antibacterial properties, making it a natural choice to heal and prevent acne. It's also a humectant, drawing moisture from the air and pulling it into skin to deliver a natural, dewy glow.
To harness the power of Manuka in your skin care routine, use it as a cleanser morning and night, or a 20-minute face mask. The natural substance is safe on even the most sensitive skin types. All Manuka honey is given a bioactive rating that determines the level of antibacterial compounds inside. In order to fight acne and heal the skin, look for Manuka honey with a bioactive rating of 20+.
The concept of pantry skin care is nothing new — people have been using coconut oil for both cooking and moisturizing for years, and apple cider vinegar has long been hailed as the best natural toner around — but people are still surprised when they hear of a DIY face wash with manuka honey to combat the rashes and help reduce breakouts (which it does help reduce both).
Now, cleansing with pure honey? Wouldn't that get sticky?
For a quick solution, it’s worth a shot, but certainly using it every day would seem a little excessive – and a pain to clean up twice a day. What can you expect from washing your face with manuka honey twice daily? No matter what your skin problems are, but for this instance, consider it’s flaky, acne-prone skin and you’ll be amazed to discover it transform into the bouncy texture and natural glow of your dreams; and if you haven't already, you need to make manuka part of your daily skin care routine.
For a day and night cleanser, gently removes excess oil and buildup without stripping the skin of moisture. To use, simply wet your face with warm water (don't worry, this will eliminate any stickiness), then smooth a quarter-sized amount of honey onto your fingertips. Massage onto your face and neck in circular motions, taking your time. The active ingredients are only active as long as they're on your skin, so you don't want to wash it off too quickly. After a minute or two, splash your face clean with warm water and pat dry.
If your skin is in need of a little extra attention, Manuka honey also makes a great face mask — no extra ingredients necessary. I swear by a thick coat of Manuka applied to clean, dry skin as the ultimate 20-minute, fix-anything mask. The Manuka glow is undeniable: As soon as you rinse it off, you notice calmer, clearer, dewier skin.
Finally, Manuka honey can be used as a spot treatment on particularly inflamed pimples and cysts. Dab a bit onto the affected area and let sit as long as you like; swelling should go down in as little as 15 minutes. Warning: This method is pretty sticky (but worth it).
What’s the Difference Between Manuka Honey and Regular Honey?
First question: Does it matter? Yes. Yes, it does.
Manuka honey isn't interchangeable with standard, raw, or organic honey, though (we mentioned this a few paragraphs up for a reason). Manuka is a variety of honey specific to New Zealand, made by the bees that feed on the country's native Manuka bushes. It's been used by locals for centuries as a do-it-all healing balm: It can treat infections, soothe irritation of any kind, and even help regenerate damaged skin tissue. In modern times, it's especially known for its skin-healing properties.
As a cleanser, mask or even spot treatment, manuka honey has the ability to calm and moisturize reactive skin in more ways than one. It nourishes the healthy bacteria on the skin's microbiome and prevents acne-causing bacteria from multiplying, thanks to something called methylglyoxal, an antibacterial compound that naturally occurs in Manuka. (It's actually been found to kill MRSA-, E. Coli-, and Staph-causing bacteria as well.) Not to mention, it’s also anti-aging and can help heal scars. It's literally the liquid gold of skin care products!
However, not all manuka honey has the same skin-saving power. Every jar of Manuka that's made is tested and given something called a bioactive rating, which indicates its level of antibacterial activity. Mild Manuka can have a bioactive rating of 5+, while stronger strains rank as high as 24+. Manuka honey needs a bioactive factor of at least 20+ in order to treat acne and inflammation — the go-to jar is Manuka Doctor 24+.
Manuka Honey in Skin Care Products
You can — and should — ingest the miracle product. A spoonful of Manuka honey a day helps rebalance the bacteria in your gut and improve digestion. It's also a must for healing sore throats, and has been shown to prevent tooth decay, as well. (Is there anything it can't do?)
While mainstream beauty products are just starting to create skin care featuring manuka honey, you’ll see that it’s way down the ingredients list (meaning it’s not very potent at all). For a natural and powerful dose of manuka honey, along with many beneficial ingredients, look no further than Wild Naturals Manuka Honey Face Wash, Body Cream, and Face Cream (we also have an eye/face serum)!
Until your purchase is in your hands, pure Manuka honey is a great cleanser to use while you wait for your Wild Naturals skin care products. Keep your skin healthy during this trying time, we make it easier for you!