Food-Grade Ingredients That Promote Healing: Manuka Honey, Cehami, & Aloe Vera!

The key ingredients in Wild Naturals are Manuka Honey and Cehami Extract, both of which are not commonly found in most skin care brands. When you consider the extraordinary benefits of these Australian native botanicals, you have to wonder why more skin care products don’t contain them, right? For now, let’s delve into these healing ingredients and why they’re so important to use in your skin care regimen!
Everything You Need to Know about Manuka Honey
Manuka Honey is a special honey that comes from the Manuka plant, a floral blush that can only be found in New Zealand and very specific areas in Australia. It has more healing properties than antibiotics (and can even treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria)! Manuka Honey draws out toxins and impurities while boosts healing cells within our bodies a supercharge by stimulating collagen production, which thereby promotes rapid healing.
The finest medical-grade Manuka Honey UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) is the +15. It’s the only food ever approved by the FDA as a medicine! This is a major breakthrough in the medical industry as medical professions are now recognizing Manuka Honey as an alternative to conventional forms of medicine, plus it’s even now used in burn units to help heal and prevent infections!
UMF Manuka Honey with both the natural hydrogen peroxide antibacterial property and its own natural UMF antibacterial property offers increased antibacterial potency to treat a wide variety of skin and health issues.
Studies are showing Manuka Honey with high levels of UMF could be very effective in helping relieve stomach ulcer symptoms and gastritis, and when applied topically, it assists the natural healing of skin ulcers, wounds, burns, boils, cracked skin, and MRSA. This honey is a serious powerhouse and now you know that it’s limitations are very little!
In laboratory studies, the UMF property has been found to be effective against a wide range of bacteria including the very resistant Helicobacter Pylori (this bacteria causes most stomach ulcers) and the wound-infecting bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Studies are also revealing that UMF Manuka Honey is excellent for oral hygiene by helping to prevent gingivitis!
In a short overview, Manuka Honey is an:
- Anti-Bacterial
- Anti-Viral
- Anti-Fungal
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Anti-Microbial
Taken Internally to Treat:
- Stomach Ulcers
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Upset Stomachs
- Acid Reflux
- Sinus Infections
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Cold and Flu Symptoms
- Sore Throats
- Allergies
- Gum Disease
Topically it Treats:
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Dermatitis
- Acne
- Rashes
- Wounds
- Burns
- Insect Bites
- Rosacea
- Stretch Marks
- Sunburn
- Age Spots
It kills Strep, Staph, and MRSA on contact! Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is even investigating its anti-cancer properties. This is a honey that you do not want to ignore for overall health benefits! (Did we mention that Manuka Honey is in all of our Wild Naturals skin care products?)
What is Cehami?
Cehami is a botanical extract from an Australian flower. The cehami natural active extract is derived from Centipeda Cunninhamii, a member of the daisy family indigenous to the Australian outback. It’s commonly known as Old Man Weed. It has been used for centuries by the Australian Aborigines as a remedy for skin problems and other ailments. Old Man Weed was commonly used to treat hair loss and skin irritations, but the traditional belief is that it’s good for treating “just about anything”.
Extensive independent medical research confirmed that Cehami plant extract is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and cellular regeneration accelerants anywhere! This is a botanical which is scientifically proven to contain unprecedented skin renewal, hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties, for younger, healthier-looking skin!
Two main benefits to remember about cehami flower extract are:
- Cehami is an analgesic as well. What does that mean? It’s a natural anti-pain and anti-itch reliever, just as aspirin offers. It gives almost instant relief associated with most skin conditions! Yet, it’s three times more active than aspirin!
- Cehami is a powerful humectant. It’s like a moisture magnet, literally pulling moisture molecules out of the air, stuffing them into the skin cells and sealing the cell so the moisture does not escape for beautiful, hydrated skin!
The True Aloe to Use
There are over 240 different species of Aloe, growing mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. Of the 240+ species of Aloe, only four are recognized as being nutritional value to humans and animals. Aloe Barbadensis Miller is considered the finest medical-grade Aloe Vera.
This Aloe Vera contains over 20 minerals and Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, and E. Aloe Vera has been shown to have many of the same healing benefits of Steroids without the side effects!
Aloe Vera Can:
- Alleviate Inflammation
- Help Regenerate New Cells
- Disperse Damaged Cells
- Reduce Pain
- Moisturize
Other Ingredients Found in Wild Naturals Skin Care Products:
All of our products contain Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals, and the finest Shea Butter. We also use a special grade of Blue Green Algae, which contains almost every organic mineral in trace amounts, which is exactly what the skin needs to heal. You’ll also find hemp seed oil, coconut oil, and olive oil in our ingredients list!
What You Won't Find in Wild Naturals Products:
Equally important is what we don't use. The first ingredient in almost every cream or lotion is water! Water dries out the natural oils the skin needs to be healthy, therefore we use aloe vera instead. We never use petroleum products or mineral oils that not only dry out the skin but also clog your pores. You’ll find no alcohol, fragrances, or no harsh preservatives like parabens either and believe it when you see the results from your skin without all of these bad ingredients!
Shop our online store today to discover natural skin care that you’ve always dreamt of!