Discovering the Right Natural Facial Cleanser

Are you late to the all-natural skin-care conversation? That’s okay! It’s still an ongoing, popular trend that not everyone has been ready to hop into. Plenty of people have been adding coconut oil and apple cider vinegar to their beauty routines for a while now. However, are you, like so many others, scared to put oil on pimple-prone skin? Is the idea of the potent odor of vinegar on your face causing you to be leery? It can seem strange if you’re not familiar with natural beauty trends, but that’s why in this article, we explain the difference between DIY natural skin care and natural skin care products!
Natural Skin Care & The Benefits of Manuka Honey
First and foremost, the number one ingredient you’ll learn about if you research natural skin care is manuka honey. Beauty sites rave that raw manuka honey worked miracles as a moisturizing facial cleanser, even suggesting it could improve acne and inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis! (And people have been using honey in wound care for centuries, so it seems legitimate.)
There’s even some research that suggests honey has antioxidative, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. But what even is manuka honey? Native to New Zealand, manuka honey is a variety of honey with a high concentration of methylglyoxal (MG), a component derived from the nectar of manuka flowers. Though MG may be found in other types of honey, the compound is particularly rich in manuka honey, purportedly giving it greater antibacterial properties than other honey varieties.
There’s even a rating system maintained by the Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association (UMFHA), a growing organization of beekeepers, producers, and exporters dedicated to producing genuine manuka honey. The rating system, the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF), uses numbers to indicate the number of certain compounds (like MG) in products, which confirms that the product is authentic.
Intrigued by the possibilities of this seemingly-wonder product? You should be!
Manuka honey is almost mustard-colored and more opaque than normal honey. DIY face masks are very popular with using manuka honey to treat problematic skin issues as a once a week or a month sort of deal. This can be done, though the benefits of manuka honey would be vastly higher if used on a daily basis. This is the difference between DIY skin care and natural products.
During colder months and now as the summer heat rises, the dry air can seriously dehydrate skin. Despite herculean efforts to keep skin moisturized and hydrated, your face still can get uncomfortably dry if you are using the wrong skin care products. If you truly want a hydrating, and versatile ingredient to help your skin throughout the year, you need to discover manuka honey!
For someone with dry skin, you can notice something promising the day after first using a honey face wash. If you have peeling skin from dryness, this can start to fade and not be an issue. After a few days, your whole face can be felt as smoother, and applying makeup is done with ease—foundation spreads evenly without getting trapped in the crooks and crevices of rough, flaky patches!
For extra nourishment for your skin, find a manuka honey moisturizer and apply a thick layer as an overnight face mask. The next morning, skin will feel saturated and silky smooth, not to mention glowing! For these products, turn to Wild Naturals for your manuka honey skin care products!
And remember what the science says: Manuka honey may have some serious hydrating power. M honey is a natural humectant due to its sugar component, which draws in and retains moisture, and may be a useful ingredient for moisturizers and emollients.
The verdict: Be ready to be impressed. Plus, you don’t have to necessarily slather your face in actual honey to give it a shot—Wild Naturals has the skin care products that contain manuka honey as the key ingredient, along with other fantastic and highly beneficial natural ingredients!